Study on Child Abuse with Deaf

Study on Child Abuse with Deaf

I am writing to invite you to participate in a study on the abuse of
deaf children. If you are an adult age 18 or older and you experienced
abuse when you were a child, you can participate in the study.


1. You must be age 18 or older.

2. You must have experienced abuse (emotional, sexual, or physical)
as a child.

3. You must identify yourself as Deaf or Hard of Hearing.


1. You will be asked to participate in an interview that will be

2. The video will be private and will be destroyed after three years.

3. Your story may help to protect deaf children in the future.

4. You will be asked to tell about your abuse and it should take
about 30 to 45 minutes.

5. Participation is voluntary. If you want to back out, you can do so
at any time.


1. If you live in the Houston area, we can come to you for the
interview. There will be no compensation (no payment).

2. If you come to my office, I will pay you $10 for your time and

3. There is no other compensation or payment.

4. If you live in the San Antonio area, I may also be able to come to


1. This study has been approved by the University of Houston System
Internal Review Board.


1. If you participate, more information about your rights will be
given to you when we meet.

2. If you are willing to voluntarily participate, please contact:

Dr. Gabriel Lomas at [email protected]

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