PAID STUDY: Online Focus Group with D/HH – National Academies’ study about transportation

Online Focus Group with deaf or heard of hearing – National Academies’ study about transportation


TCRP B-47 – Impact of Transformational Technologies on Underserved Populations


This page provides information to help you decide whether to participate in this focus group research study or not. The Transit Cooperative Research Program of the Transportation Research Board provides funding for this study. Texas A&M Transportation Institute will conduct focus groups to learn about why you use, or do not use, certain types transportation services.

What will I be asked to do?

Before the session starts, the moderator will provide an introduction and the instructions to follow. You will then be asked whether you agree to participate. If you agree, you will talk with others about why you use certain types of transportation services or not.

The focus group will be online. It will take around 90 minutes. You can phone-in if you do not have Internet access.

The focus group will be audio-recorded. This will help researchers to analyze the data. The data will be stored in a safe place. Only the research study staff will have access to it. There will be no way to identify you, individually, in any publicly available report or dataset.

What are the risks involved in this study?

There are no risks to your health or well-being associated with this study.

Do I have to participate?

Your participation is voluntary. You can leave the study at any time. There will be no negative effects.

Will I be paid to participate?

You will be paid by TTI. You will receive a $125 electronic check or money order.

What are the possible benefits of this study?

You will get no direct benefit. The study results will help agencies to improve transportation services for people like you.

Who will know about my participation in this research study?

Information about your participation in this study will be kept confidential to the extent allowed by law. We will store your records in a safe place. Only research study staff will have access to it. Texas A&M University Human Research Protection Program or similar organizations may open your records. This is needed mainly for two reasons. First, we want to make sure the study is being well run. Second, we want to make sure that information is collected in the right way. Nothing will link you, individually, to this study in any publicly available report or dataset. The data collected for this research might be used for future research. If used, the data will not be identifiable.

Whom do I contact with questions about the research?

You may contact Dr. Ipek Sener at [email protected] or Dr. Johanna Zmud at [email protected].

Whom do I contact about my rights as a research participant?

You may call the Texas A&M University Human Research Protection Program office for questions, complaints, or concerns about the research. You can also call about your rights as a research participant.

Please contact us at 1-979-458-4067 or toll free at 1-855-795-8636, or by email at [email protected].



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