If you want to add your church information on our list. Please provide me following list.
- Name of church
- Type of religious (option)
- Physcial address
- Telephone number (TTY, voice, fax, cell phone)
- E-mail address & web site address
- Brief comment such as provide CART, need to request interpreter when needed, etc.
When you have all information ready, email to us at [email protected]
As you can see we only have a small list area but we will add for all over cities as time go by. If you know any places that are not on list, let us know, thanks! Always call first before actually attending to make sure they are providing service specifically for you.
Quick link to... Milton Churches
or Deaf Ministries in Florida
Liberty Baptist Church
S.S. Dixon Primary School
4585 S.S. Dixon Rd. (across from Pick & Save)
Bible Study - Tuesday nights @ 7pm
5613 Meadowlark Ln.
Milton , Fl. 32570
Contact Jeremy Moore - [email protected]
First Apostolic Church
5574 Hwy. 90
Milton , FL 32571
Sunday School: 9:45am
Sunday Morning Worship: 11am
Sunday Night Worship: 6pm - 9pm
Wednesday Night Worship: 7pm - 9pm
Friday Night "Youth": 7pm
Interpreter/Deaf Socials every 3 months
Interpreter provided for every event.
Contact Michelle Matherne - [email protected]