There are still plenty of slots open for the Skill Building Workshop in Big Spring, August 6-12… DHHS may consider opening this opportunity to ALL interpreters, including BEI Level III and IV. This week long training will focus on the skill development of Texas interpreters. 50% of the time is spent on receptive work and 50% on expressive work.
Some of the instructors scheduled are Lauri Metcalf, Tom Cox, Amy Kalmus, Jeff Anderson, Mark Seeger, and Gino Gouby, and others. Go to this link for registration information:
If you are interested, please email me and let me know ASAP… as indicated above, if there is space, DHHS may consider opening the training to some higher level interpreters (BEI Level III and IV), please email or call me at 512-407-3250 (V), 512-407-3251 (TTY) (VP)
Co-Sponsors include Sorenson Media, CSD of Texas and SWCID.
Randi Turner
Communication Access Specialist
TX DARS – Office for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services
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