Community Emergency Preparedness Information Network Training
DATE: September 21 & 22, 2006
TIME: 8 AM – 5 PM
5010 Old Manor Rd.
Austin, TX 78723
You are invited to attend the “Emergency Responders & the Deaf & Hard of Hearing Community: Taking the First Steps to Disaster Preparedness” on September 21, 2006 in Austin, TX. This training is developed by, and for first responders and deaf and hard of hearing people and is provided by the Community Emergency Preparedness Information Network.
Please review the attached flyer for more information about this training.
Training is limited to 20 “first responders” (emergency personnel such as law enforcement, firemen, EMS, Red Cross workers, State Emergency Management personnel) and 20 deaf, hard of hearing, late-deafened, deaf-blind etc. (A total of 40 participants).
A second training “Train-The-Trainer” will be held on September 22, also in Austin, TX. This training is limited to 20 participants. Requirements and criteria for this training are listed on the flyer.
If you know of any deaf, hard of hearing, deafblind or visually impaired person with a hearing loss in your city and who is an active leader in their community, please share this flyer with them and encourage them to register for this course.
The deadline to register for these trainings is September 14, 2006.
Please contact our office and request a copy of the registration to be faxed or mailed to you. (see download below) You can reach us at (512) 854-9205 voice, (512)854-9210 TTY, or (VP) or you can email to Gary Morris at or Doug Rollins at
Thank you.
Gary Morris, Social Services Assistant, Travis County Services for the Deaf & Hard of Hearing
Doug Rollins, Office Manager, Travis County Services for the Deaf & Hard of Hearing
Download files: (PDF format)
Press Release
Click to access PRESSRelease_cepin.pdf
Training the Trainer Training
Click to access Train_the_Trainer_training_Sept2006.pdf
Click to access Flyer_Texas_Sept212006.pdf
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