We hope to report to you on a regular basis an update on progress made by Greg Gunderson, a deaf Sioux Falls, South Dakota native who is now a finalist among 20 stock car racing drivers selected to compete for 12 rookie spots on the Racin’ for a new reality TV show called Racin’ for a Livin’.
Greg at I-90 Speedway this Saturday
This coming Saturday I will drive a Sprint car at I-90 Speedway in Hartford, South Dakota – 15 minutes west of Sioux Falls on State Highway 38. This is part of my preparation for Racin’ for a Livin’ show.
I will drive one of Justin Saathoff’s #85 cars, and Justin will drive another #85 car. The car I will drive has black frame – Justin’s car has white frame. Justin and I have known each other for many years, and I am grateful for the opportunity to drive his car this Saturday.
Reporters from KELO TV, KSFY TV, and Argus Leader will cover my race. I would love to see many Gunderson Racing fans there to show your support! Its best to sit in the same area – to your left when you enter. There is a kids playground behind the bleachers.
The car race starts at 8:00 pm. After the race, you can come into the pit to visit me. See you at the race!
Update on Racin’ for a Livin’
More details on the new reality TV show have just begun to come in. In late October audition will be held to determine which 12 of the 20 finalists will get on the show. Immediately afterwards, the 12 finalists will compete for three weeks in November at several different tracks. Locations have not been disclosed yet.
I will keep you posted on new information as they become available.
By the Way …
I am still working with potential sponsors who have expressed interest in my endeavors in the racing circuit. It takes time to put everything together. I hope to announce official sponsors in several weeks. Stay tuned!
I am planning a few more races before racing season ends mid-September. Soon I will announce in e-news when I have finalized my racing plan so you can make plans to attend my races.
Summer vacation is now official over. The school year 2006-07 started last Monday for my two daughters! Camille is in kindergarten and Hannah is a 4th grader. They both love their school.
Greg Gunderson
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