Remembering 9/11: Debate, Film Premiere Highlight Emergency Preparedness

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Remembering 9/11: Debate, Film Premiere Highlight Emergency Preparedness Jade Films to Unveil “9/11 Fear in Silence, THE FORGOTTEN UNDERDOGS”

New York City [September 1, 2006] – DeafVision Filmworks is kicking off National Preparedness Month in September with a panel discussion and a screening of “9/11 Fear in Silence, THE FORGOTTEN UNDERDOGS.”

Ann Marie Bryan, also known as Jade, said, “Roberta Flack once said, ‘To live is to suffer, to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering.’ DeafVision Filmworks seeks to discuss the meaning of the terrorist attacks of September 11th by having the panel and film screening.”

“We spend too much time on rapid changes in our lives, and get caught up in technology, the fast-paced lifestyles we have and often forget that we have a responsibility to our community, our generation, and future generations,” Jade adds. “We need to stop and look around, asking ourselves why the nation is preparing for the worst. We also need to ask if we’re really ready.” The panel, held on September 11, will address these questions, and both deaf and hearing people are invited to attend.

“It’s our hope that this panel will help us better prepare ourselves and our families, build stronger community relations, and work with local emergency planning, such as developing a task force in each borough,” Jade says. “We will never comprehend the meaning of hate and the pain that affected us all. It is easy to suppress that ugliness of immorality but we should never forget. Adversity often activates a strength we did not know we had, and the panel will address this strength.”

On Sept. 30, DeafVision will hold a screening of “9/11 Fear in Silence, THE FORGOTTEN UNDERDOGS,” which commemorates the terrorist attacks of September 11. The film is a compelling documentary about deaf and hard of hearing people who were among the last to receive access to critical information on September 11, 2001. “This documentary highlights unique individuals’ testimonies and their perspectives about the attacks on the World Trade Center,” Jade explains. “They unveil how they survived 9/11 and their views about the evils of terrorisms. It’s a chilling and somber documentary that provides an in-depth look at what it was like for deaf and hard of hearing people in the city that day.”

She notes, “September 11 is recurrent history in the making not to be repeated, and these events will bring to light that we are equalized American civilians. To continue discussion and awareness of emergency situations will enable us as citizens to make a difference in our communities.” The film is not available on DVD, but is available for bookings.

The panel will be held at Mica Bar, 587 Third Avenue, New York City, and will cost $5 per person before 8:00 p.m., $10 per person after 8:00 p.m. The Sept. 30 film screening will take place at the Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Film Center at New York University. Tickets for the screening are $35 before Sept. 25, and $45 at the door; seats are limited. To book a showing of the film, contact or visit

About DeafVision Filmworks, Inc. & JADE Films DeafVision Filmworks, founded in 1991, caters to filmmakers of color to develop stories that are overlooked, ignored, or suppressed by the media gatekeepers. DeafVision Filmworks is a New York-based non- profit corporation founded by African American Ann Marie “Jade”

Bryan, who believes in the importance of educating the general public about the cultural experiences of Deaf and Hard of Hearing population. JADE Films, where the passion of words are turned into action, is an independent film production company that strives to raise consciousness about African Americans and Latinos who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing, whether culturally Deaf or with varied degrees of hearing loss who do not identify with deaf culture.

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