Certified Independent Contractor Freelance Interpreters – DFW


I am in the process of compiling a list of names of certified independent contractor freelance interpreters in the Dallas Metroplex.

The purpose of is to give a list of available independent contractor freelance interpreters to the Dallas Metroplex Deaf community.

This list will also be shared with hearing individuals; i.e., employers, doctors, lawyers, etc. who are in need of the services of an interpreter(s).

If you are a certified independent contractor freelance interpreter and would like to have your name included on this list please email me at [email protected].

Also please tell me what your current BEI level is and how you would like to be contacted for interpreting services; i.e., via phone, email, pager, etc.

Also please feel free to pass this announcement on to other certified independent contractor freelance interpreters in the Dallas Metroplex, whom you feel would also like to have their name on this list.

Thank you.
Marianne Sasseen

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