TCD – June 2007 Newsletter

Texoma Council for the Deaf
Sherman/Denison, Texas

June 2007

In the central parts of our states of Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas received bad weather, heavy rain, and thunderstorms almost everyday. It kept raining and the rains never seemed to stop. There were many flooding and flood all around and a lot of people were left homeless and many business were lost or closed. There were about 11 people who have died from the flooding. What really surprises me that Texas, had not received any temperatures over 100 degrees. We have hear the news that on the west coast- California, Nevada, Utah had received a high degree of temperatures of more than 100 degrees and some of the states have brush fire and fires because of the dry temperatures. The fires were burning down houses and businesses. It is hard to control and to stop the fire, because they can spread to other locations by the high winds.

Our Summer Deaf Picnic on Waterloo park at Denison, Texas, we have a pretty good crowd of people there even though it was raining. It was not bad. I have notice that people like to make scrapbooks and craft thing from Lynn Randolph. There were a lot of thing to make. Lynn could not do all herself but she was glad that three ladies helped her to make more. They were working long hours and long weeks. Shelia Bills, Deborah Young, and Kelly Fletcher. People from the Sorenson Videophone company came and set up booth to show people what Sorenson Videophone is all about. We really appreciate them for coming out here and donating the 20 inch TV. About 3:00 p.m. everyone left the picnic. It is hard to say but I would have to guess approximately 50 people were around. After that we had our social night. Social night ended with raffle tickets and the winners of the raffle ticket drawings were: Third place winner received a DVD player was Haden Lambert and Hernan. Second place winner r
eceived the 20 inch TV was Cathy Edler, and First place winner received a sidekick ID was Lynn Randolph.

For Texas Associate of the Deaf from Austin, Texas, people came over to Arlington, Texas for having TAD conference. There were two days of conference and there were many different issues of lecture. It was very interesting to listen to the lecture of Dr. Gertrude “Gertie” Galloway about “Life does not stop at retirement” I will be better prepared in the futures to be a senior citizen when I retired. She gave a very good lecture with some comedy. Also was a lecture about ADA by Ms. Faye Kuo, Ms. Heather Bise, and Mr. John Cage, “History of Black Deaf people before and after segregation” by Dr. Glenn Anderson, “The world of politics” by Dr. Bobbie Beth Scoggins, and “Deaf protest now-18 years ago and today” by Mr. Tim Rarus. They were very good lectures. There were a lot of booths around. There were about three hours of lecture about The ABC’s of Parliamentary procedures by Ms. Libby Pollard. Her lecture explained how to work as parliamentary. It is my first time that I was i
n the general meeting for TAD. To be hones with you TAD was totally different than local deaf clubs. There were a lot of members involved in the meeting. TAD is for all over Texas and what deaf people need for improving their future. Local deaf clubs are for cities and counties. TAD had elected new officers and there are: Steve Baldwin- President, Cathy Edler-Vice President. We would like to congratulate them and wish them the best of luck and success.

We will have our next event that will be “Aloha” social night and it will be held at the Stone Bridge Hotel (formerly Quality Inn), 3605 HWY 75 south, Sherman, Texas 75080, we will have a “best” dressed costume contest. Come one and all and enjoy our “ALOHA” event. Tell your friends and your family of those who don’t have computers or pagers, to come over and meet many new faces (people) and enjoy the social night. Let you know that we have social night every second Saturday of the month. Email [email protected] if you have any questions about social night or direction to the hotel.

There are a lot of hearing people who are interesting in learning sign language. We need to find a place that we meet to learn sign languages. We will have general meeting to discuss about it. We will have to work on it.

We are working with the BBRC- Billy Bates Ranch Cowboy, there have many thing to discuss and we have plenty of time to work on it until the summer of 2008. Hopefully that it will be successful and positive.

If you are interested to become a member of Texoma Council for the Deaf in Sherman/Denison, Texas, we will have membership forms for you, come to our Social Night and sign up. Members fee are $10.00 (1) years for single and $15.00 (1) year for family. Please write a check or money order to: Texoma Council for the Deaf, P.O. Box 2002 , Sherman, Texas 75091. Or you can come our next event to sign up to become a member.

TCD needs your help, we need secretary, event photographer, for our TCD. If anyone is interested in their positions, please email Lisa Wynn, the President- [email protected] . We are desperately looking for someone willing and motivated to fill these positions.

If you have ideas or comments on how to help improve our TCD, to provide better services to members and non-members, please send them to Lisa Wynn-email [email protected]. Thank you in advance for your input.

We want to say thank you again to each members who helps and support our TCD.

Thank you
Lisa Wynn-President
[email protected]

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