San Antonio Celebrates DAW’s 30th Year Banquet

San Antonio Celebrates DAW’s 30th Year Banquet

DATE: November 17, 2007

TIME: 6:30pm to Midnight

San Antonio Celebrates Deaf Awareness 30 Years!! 1977-2007

Norris Conference Center
Red Oak Ballroom
4522 Fredericksburg Rd.
San Antonio, TX 78201
At Crossroad Mall off the Interstates 10 & 410 (Located next to Target)

Marriott Spring Hill Suites’ located right just in front of Norris Center in parking lot. Suite rates varied from $89 to $109 per night.

Call for reservations: 210-737-6068 or via the website:

$35 Per Person

Dress Code: “Sunday Best” Casual (No Blue Jeans Permitted)

Menu: “Pasta Bar” Create your own plate with a great selection of perfectly cooked pasta (Penne, Bowtie, & Buttered Fettuccini Noodles) & rich Itaalian sauces (Basil Marinara & Creamy Alfredo Sauce), accompanied by Provencal Style Vegetables; includes a selection of Sliced Sauteed Chicken OR Stewed Sirlon. This Back-to-Italy favorite is accompanied by an authentic Caesar Salad.

-Cash Bar 6:00-6:30
-Guest Speaker
-Silent Auction

Guest Perfomer
Keith Wann— CODA Performer
A child of deaf adults, is one of America’s funniest ASL comedians. Wann tours around the ASL Nation performing his one man show “Watching Two Worlds Collide” rated G to Adult Humor, and as a Storyteller for Festivals featuring family & children stories in ASL. Check out his website:

Sponsor for $1000 will be seated at VIP Table & be Recognized in the program book (seats 10 per table).

Last Day to Purchase Tickets is November 7, 2007 or until sold out
Capacity up to 250 seats.
CART will be provided.
Age Limit 18 years old & above.

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DAW 30th Anniversary Banquet Tickets

To purchase tickets, please complete form below and send check (payable to SA DAW)to David Solis,DAW Treasurer, PO Box 460583, SAT 78246. Tickets will NOT be sold at the door and are Non-Refundable.

Name: __________________________________________________________________________

Address: _______________________________________City: _______________

State: _____________Zip:_________

Phone or Email:


Sponsor Name:


Address: _______________________________________

City: _______________State:_____________Zip:_________

Phone or Email:


Number of Tables Sponsored

@ $1000: _______ Number of Tickets @ $35 Per Person: __________

Total : $_________ Total: $__________

Terri Levine
Email: [email protected]

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