NAD Announces Upcoming Distribution of Multi-Point Video Conferencing Product

NAD Announces Upcoming Distribution of Multi-Point Video Conferencing Product


A News Release from the National Association of the Deaf

October 29, 2007

National Association of the Deaf
Anita B. Farb

Hands On VRS News Bureau
Terry Lee, 202-478-9643
Sarah Pritts, 502-394-9189
[email protected]

NAD Announces Upcoming Distribution of Multi-Point Video Conferencing Product

Silver Spring, MD – The National Association of the Deaf (NAD) announced that they will be the main distributor of VideoSign 3.0, an innovative multi-point video conferencing software product. The software will help connect and engage multiple deaf people in video conversations at absolutely no cost to the user. VideoSign 3.0 is slated for release early in 2008.

Finally, we can look forward to using our personal computers and webcams to engage in video conversations with more than one person at a time; up to eight people simultaneously, said Bobbie Beth Scoggins, NAD President. With VideoSign 3.0, deaf people will be able to engage in video chats with each other, and include hearing persons and video interpreters as well. For so many of us who cannot travel for face-to-face group meetings, the costs savings alone is incredibly exciting.

Distribution of VideoSign 3.0 will be handled mainly by NAD for six months after the initial launch, exclusively for the first two months. Powered by Hands On VRS, this videoconferencing software, which includes features like AOL Instant Messaging and a missed call directory, will be available for free download. The NAD welcomes opportunities for distribution of cutting-edge products offered by other providers; distribution of such products by the NAD does not constitute an endorsement.

Hands On VRS has a long history of providing deaf and hard of hearing organizations with means of self-empowerment through the use of innovative communication technologies, said Ron Obray, chief executive officer and founder of Hands On VRS. Hands On is thrilled to join hands with the National Association of the Deaf. This joint effort will serve as a major resource in our mission to help break down barriers for the deaf and hard of hearing community through innovative technologies.

State associations and non-profit organizations interested in distributing VideoSign 3.0 to their members or constituencies should contact the NAD for details, starting November 1, 2007.


About National Association of the Deaf (NAD)

Established in 1880, the National Association of the Deaf (NAD) is the nation’s oldest and largest consumer-based national advocacy organization safeguarding the civil and accessibility rights of deaf and hard of hearing people in the United States of America. Advocacy, policy, and legislative issues addressed by the NAD cover a broad range of areas, including education, employment, health care, human services, rehabilitation, telecommunications, and transportation. More information is available at


About Hands On Video Relay Services, Inc.

Hands On is a recognized leader in Video Relay Services throughout the country. The company is the second largest VRS provider in the nation. Hands On VRS has been serving the needs of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing community since 1992 the company is committed to removing communication barriers for Deaf and Hard of Hearing individuals while providing quality services they can rely on. More information is available at

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