[Text and vlogs are free to access; no registration required.]
This week on i711.com:
(NEW) Do you hold the key that can unlock the deaf community for
Visit: http://www.i711.com/my711.php?tab=2&article=215
CHANNEL i VLOG THIS WEEK: Graphic Novels for the Deaf Community
(NEW) Can graphic novels simultaneously introduce Deaf kids to
difficult topics and improve their reading skills?
Visit: http://www.i711.com/vlogs/logs.php?id=290
HOLIDAY NOTE: Happy holidays to all of you from all of us at
i711.com. It has been a wonderful year, and we hope youve enjoyed
reading our weekly articles as much as weve enjoyed publishing them.
Have a wonderful holiday season, and a happy New Year. As a reminder,
i711.com will not be publishing articles or our Channel i vlog next
week. Have a great time with friends and family, and well see you in
the New Year.
The i711.com Team
DID YOU KNOW: We have small supply of webcams available at NO COST to
i711 users? Visit http://www.i711.com/freecam
to get one for yourself.
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NEW! Try out our Deaf Network of Texas Calendar! Go to
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vendors, products, or services is for informational purposes only.
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