NAD Files Complaint Against PETCO

NAD Files Complaint Against PETCO

A News Release from the National Association of the Deaf

Release Date: January 16, 2008

Contact: Anita B. Farb

Director, Communications and Operations

National Association of the Deaf


NAD Files Complaint Against PETCO

Silver Spring, MD – The National Association of the Deaf (NAD) filed
a complaint on November 27, 2007 with the U.S. Department of Justice
against PETCO Animal Supplies, Inc. (PETCO). The complaint alleges
that PETCO refused to provide qualified sign language interpreter
services for four deaf couples who registered for PETCOs dog
training class in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, in violation of Title
III of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The couples
provided and paid for interpreter services to ensure effective
communication and meaningful access to PETCOs dog training class.

Its important for businesses, like PETCO, that offer education or
training classes, to ensure that their programs are accessible, said
Bobbie Beth Scoggins, NAD President. In this case, providing
qualified interpreter services was necessary.

The dog training class consisted of six one-hour sessions. The four
couples had requested that PETCO provide sign language interpreter
services to ensure effective communication and meaningful access to
the instruction. In response to the accessibility request, an
attorney for PETCO informed the four couples that they would be given
a Parenting Guide with detailed instruction and photos which parallel
the oral instruction provided by [PETCOs] Canine Education
Instructors. One individual, frustrated by PETCOs response said,
Questions unique to each individuals relationship with their animal
are best addressed by a real, live professional rather than digging
through a manual trying to find this information. Otherwise, why have
canine education classes at allwhy not just tell all of your
customers to refer to the Parenting Guide?

The NAD requested that the U.S. Department of Justice investigate
this complaint and order PETCO to cease its discriminatory practices
and reimburse the deaf couples for the interpreter services they
provided and paid for to ensure effective communication and
meaningful access to PETCOs dog training class.

About the NAD

Established in 1880, the National Association of the Deaf (NAD)
safeguards the civil, human, and language rights of deaf and hard of
hearing Americans, including recognition and usage of American Sign
Language. As a federation of national, state, and local affiliates,
and individual members, the work of the NAD encompasses a broad range
of advocacy issues including, but not limited to early intervention,
education, emergency access, employment, health care, mental health,
technology, telecommunications, and transportation  toward creation
of a barrier-free, respectful, and welcoming environment that is
mutually benefits all involved. Visit
to learn more about the NAD.

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