Southern Baptists of Texas Convention – 2008 Evangelism Conference

Dear Friend,

Time is quickly approaching for the 2008 Empower Evangelism
Conference which will take place February 4-6 at First Baptist Church
in Euless, Texas. The program is built around the theme, “When Time is
No More” .

We have a wonderful line up of speakers, musical guests, and
testimonies for you. Remember there is no registration necessary for
the Conference and it is free and open to the public. We will also be
providing sign language interpreters for the deaf and hearing impaired
during each session. Please let your church members know of this
exciting event and encourage them to attend with you. Below is a list
of speakers and the topics they will be preaching on.

Bailey Stone – When Satan is Bound

Claude Cone – Hell: Is Not Just a Four Letter Word

David Ring – God’s Last Invitation

Bob Pitman – When Jesus Comes for His Bride

Herb Reavis, Jr. – Heaven: The Home of the Redeemed

Ergun Caner – Signs of the Times

John Meador – A New Heaven and a New Earth

John Morgan – A Portrait of Jesus

Len Turner – The Judgment Seat of Christ

Michael Gott – Armageddon: Who Wins in the End

Paige Patterson – The Marriage Supper of the Lamb

Preston Nix – What Happens to Those Who Die Before His Return

Stan Coffey – The Great White Throne Judgment

Added to the preaching you will be blessed by John McKay, Chuck
Sullivan, The Annie Moses Band, Shiloh and other great musicians and

I believe this will be a conference used by God to bring back the
urgency and passion for souls that are lost.

Thank you for the honor to serve alongside you in reaching Texas and
our world for the Savior. You are vital to the Kingdom of God and to
the work of Christ through the local Church. I pray God’s blessing
upon you and His Church as we look toward His soon return.

For more information visit our website at


Don Cass

Director of Evangelism

Southern Baptists of Texas Convention

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