Super Bowl Ad Resonates With Texas School for the Deaf Community


Contact: Keena Miller

Phone: 512-462-5328, cell: 512-658-4444

Email: [email protected]


Super Bowl Ad Resonates With Texas School for the Deaf Community

Austin, Texas  February 2, 2008 Typically conversations on the Texas
School for the Deafs (TSD) campus the week prior to the Super Bowl
focus around which football team is favored to winbut not this year.

TSD staff and students, along with the deaf community, are very
excited about the opportunity for the hearing public to get a glimpse
of deaf culture and humor during PepsiCos Super Bowl commercial. The
idea for the ad came from some of PepsiCos own employees – including
deaf employees – who created the ad and shared it with the companys
senior management. To their delight, and ours at TSD, the ad airs
tomorrow during Super Bowl pre-game.

The commercial was filmed entirely in American Sign Language (ASL).
Although the ad includes open-captions for hearing viewers, listeners
may reach to adjust their televisions when they hear no audio. The
PepsiCo employees chose a popular joke in the deaf community and
titled their commercial Bobs House. When you see the ad, youll
see the unique way these deaf football fans find their way to their
friends house for Super Bowl viewing.

The commercial should heighten awareness about both ASL and the deaf
community while having broad appeal to all audiences said Claire
Bugen, TSD Superintendent. She says there has been some excited talk
around campus since the ad was announced. What a thrill for deaf
people watching to see the language of their community highlighted
during the most highly valued airtime on television.

ASL is a complete, complex language that employs signs made with the
hands and other movements, including facial expressions and postures
of the body. It is the first language of many deaf North Americans,
and one of several communication options available to deaf people.
ASL is said to be the fourth most commonly used language in the
United States. On campus, TSD encourages signing at all times and
believes a full signing environment enhances the quality of life for
students, families and the TSD Community.

With a strong belief in culture and community at TSD, students form a
unique identity based on their individual strengths and talents,
rather than their disabilities. TSD is an environment where students
learn, grow, and belong. For more information about TSD, visit

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