Howard College announces new SWCID provost
Staff Reports
Midland Reporter-Telegram
From Staff Reports
BIG SPRING — After a 9-month nationwide search, Howard College
officials announced Friday the selection of Mark J.
Myers as the new provost for the Southwest Collegiate Institute for
the Deaf.
He replaces Ron Brasel, who retired in August 2007. Students had
recommended the selection of a deaf provost. Myers has been
profoundly deaf due to meningitis since he was 11 months old, a news
release said.
“We are thrilled to have Mark join us as part of the SWCID/ Howard
College team,” Howard College President Cheryl T. Sparks said. “He
brings with him the skills and experience that will be a perfect fit
for this campus and this community.”
Myers was director of the Collegiate Education for Deaf and Hard of
Hearing Persons department at the Northwestern Connecticut Community
College in Winsted, Conn.
He has more than 18 years of management and supervisory experience in
the community-technical colleges system, private non-profit and
governmental agencies in higher education, rehabilitation and
community-based services to persons who are deaf and hard of hearing.
“I am eager to work with the SWCID and Howard College team. I have
known about SWCID for quite a number of years and I appreciate the
values evident in the state of Texas for providing higher education
and full communication access to learners who are deaf and hard of
hearing,” Myers said in a news release.
Myers holds a bachelor of arts degree in psychology from Gallaudet
University in Washington, D.C., and a master of arts in deafness
rehabilitation from New York University. He is currently taking a
doctoral adult learning program at the University of Connecticut in
Brasel had been with the SWCID campus of Howard College for 21 years.
“Ron left some big shoes to fill at SWCID, but I am most confident
that Mr. Myers brings all the needed skills to the table to take the
reins and lead our SWCID campus successfully into the future,” Sparks
Myers officially starts Aug. 14. He and his wife, Alyssa, will move
to Big Spring this summer. “We look forward to this new adventure in
our lives and learning about Big Spring and its neighboring
communities,” Myers said.
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