It’s Not Always Black and White workshop – Houston

It’s Not Always Black and White workshop series

DATE: February 16 and 23, 2008

TIME: 8:00AM – 12:00PM


14550 Torrey Chase Blvd. #230

Houston, Texas

It’s Not Always Black and White: a workshop series brought to you by
Visual Communication Services.

BEI CEU’s approved – .4 for each workshop.

Interpreting Questions

(Feb. 16, 2008, 8:00am – 12:00pm)

Have you ever had to interpret questions related to an investigation,
evidentiary hearing, a psychological evaluation or an assessment? If
you have, I’m sure you will agree how difficult it can be sometimes.
This hands-on workshop will train you how to critically think about
the question being asked. Participants will learn how to extract the
intent of the question prior to providing the interpretation. Without
this critical

component the interpreter will inevitably end up leading the
consumer. No matter what the setting, being able to interpret
questions appropriately and accurately is essential. Come explore and
learn techniques that you can apply to your work.

Cost $30.


(Feb. 23 2008, 8:00am – 12:00pm)

There is more to teaming than what meets the eye. Have you ever left
an assignment wishing things had gone differently with your team? We
will discuss a variety of elements related to the teaming process,
such as pre-conferencing, purpose, consumer participants, benefits,
support, and seating/positioning. More importantly, we will focus on
how to truly function as a team for the benefit of the clients we

Cost $30.

Meet the Presenters

Monica Parks has been interpreting for 12 years and currently holds a
BEI Level III certification. She has experience in interpreting a
variety of settings including educational, community, video relay,

theatrical, medical, and counseling. She serves as the Legislative
Chair for Texas Society of Interpreters for the Deaf.

Laurie was drawn to interpreting through the influence of her family
members who are deaf, realizing communication and access are pivotal.
She considers herself a “potpourri”, working in a variety of
interpreting settings such as community, post -secondary,
educational, medical, religious, and VRS. In

doing so she has gleaned from a myriad of teaming experiences. In
addition, she believes in lifelong learning and striving for

Accommodations available; please request minimum one week prior.

Workshop location:

14550 Torrey Chase Blvd. #230

Houston, TX 77014

Phone(281) 914-4892

FAX (281) 640-1906

[email protected]

Registration Form

o Questions Workshop

o Teaming Workshop

Name _____________________________________

Address _____________________________________


Phone _____________________________

Email _____________________________

Amount of payment: $___________

Method of payment

o Check

o Cash

Erma Webb

Email: [email protected]

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