WORKSHOP: Error Analysis in Simultaneous Interpreting – San Antonio

San Antonio College – Department of American Sign Language and
Interpreter Training Program/DHHS

Proudly Presents

“Error Analysis in Simultaneous Interpreting”

by Carol Patrie

Date: Saturday, February 23, 2008

Time: 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Place: San Antonio College

Nail Technical Center 025A & B


Community Interpreter Cost: $40.00

Student Cost: $20.00

NOTICE: This workshop has limited seating. There will be NO
registration at the door. Be sure to pre-

register as soon as possible to reserve your seat.

R.I.D & B.E.I. CEUs: .6

Late arrivals will not receive full credit for the workshop


The workshop will focus on studying the types of errors, or miscues
that occur during interpreting we can make inferences about what part
of the interpreting process is weak or missing.

Topics addressed:

*Approaches to error analysis

*Error types

*Effect of location of error in the interpreting process

*Effect of error on the communicative event.

This workshop is fully accessible in accordance with the Americans
With Disabilities Act. Anyone requesting accommodations due to a
disability should contact Rosie Lucio at 210-733-2071. Printed

materials associated with this event will be made available in
alternative format on request with prior notice. Interpreters and/or
assistive listening devices will be made available upon request.

Deadline for request: February 15, 2008. NO refund will be given for
cancellation of registration. A refund will only be given if San
Antonio College cancels or reschedules the workshop.

To guarantee your reservation, make a check payable to Sorenson
Communications. Error Analysis in Simultaneous Interpreting Workshop
and send it in as soon as possible. Return registration form and

checks to AS/IT, San Antonio College -, 1300 San Pedro / NTC 005B,
San Antonio, TX 78212-2499. For further information please contact



email address:

*Lunch will not be provided, however you will have an hour in which
to have lunch on your own.*

If you have numbers in your email address please write a diagonal
line for any zeros

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