Red River Family Club for the Deaf – Feb/March Newsletter





We are sorry that have not written since February 2008. We were kind
of busy with things to do and didn’t have time to write the
newsletter. It is time for us to write it do now before April 2008
coming soon.

Last February 2008, it was a very beautiful day and it was very warm.
Everyone was sitting outside the huge patio. Richard ask three or four
men to help to get the huge table and bring it from inside to outside.
It was very nice and everyone brought the food and drinks. We had very
good food to eat and plenty to drink. We were eating and chatting for
a while. It was very nice, quiet and peaceful and everyone had a great

After while, you were BIG MISSED. We had a nice surprise of four door
prizes. Lucky, four people received the prize. The prizes were,
Wal-Mart gift card, Subway, Apple Bee’s , and Logan’s runner. Next
time there will be door prizes that is something good. We do not know
when it will come up again. Remember it was a surprise. We couldn’t
tell you, when it will come up. We also had bingo and we enjoyed
playing the bingo games. Mostly of them won and got the prizes. Some
of them were lucky because they got received two or three gifts. They
enjoyed the long games. After the games were over, we were sitting for
while to have a chat before we left. Some of them already left. It was
great time to have games and prefect climate.

We were very lucky because next day we had freezing weather. The
climate was so weird and it was up and down. It was very vary weather
to have warm and cold.

On March 2008, Everyone came and stopped by at Richard’s home and
the weather was freezing and muddy because yesterday the area had
heavy snow. Can you image that it snowed on March twice. It is
supposed to be spring time now. On Tuesday, we had 6 inches of snow in
my hometown area. After that it melted but it was freezing again. The
weather news announced a warning that the snow was coming back again
and it said that they will come around 4 p.m. But the snow storm moved
fast, and it was 1 p.m. instead of 4 p.m. The snow were falling fast
and it really thick. The snow fell 9 inches already. The news said
that it was the first time in history to have thick snow on March
since a pretty long time. I noticed that were many accidents or slid
because of bridges. The snow didn’t melt for two or three day. I
called one of my friend and employees who live in Dallas, Texas, that
they said there were no snow but only sleet or icy. Oh poor thing that
there were no snow over there. I didn’t go to work for two days for my
safety. My daughter and I went outside and made a snowman and played
in the snow. My daughter enjoyed playing in the snow. Finally the snow
melted Saturday or Sunday.

Everyone stayed inside to keep warm. We enjoy to having the pot luck.
We enjoyed chatting for while. After while we finished eating and we
went outside. Richard’s friend brought some of the kites and one of
the guy did pretty good with the kite. It is long and high. Outside
was very pretty cold. There was not much wind. It was off and on. We
stayed outside for a little while then decided to go back inside and
keep warm. It was very nice to be at Richard’s home because he had a
huge yard. I mean really huge. We enjoyed having many games to do
around his yard. Also we can use to sit in any kind of chair, because
he had a nice long patio. We just had a short meeting. We discussed
about what we will do for next month on April 2008. We have many
issues to talk about. We enjoyed to having people around.

Hope to see anyone who is interest to join the Red River Family Club
for the Deaf at Sumner, Texas. We can enjoy to have many games around
and bring the kids. We can think or create to have new games or new
art or craft to enjoy. We want to see that everyone can enjoy and have
a great time. Let you know that our next meeting is on April 12, 2008
at 2 p.m. Remember please bring any snack or drink that we can share
everyone to enjoy.

If you have any questions or curious. Please email
[email protected]

The place will be at Sumner, Texas. Here is address —

The Healing Schoolhouse is at 20395 FM 79, Sumner, Texas 75486.

Our physical location is in the community of Direct, Texas.

As to the special event, let it be a surprise to us all, one thing I
can promise you it will be wild, chuckle,

Thank you

Richard and Carol.

Lisa and Sara

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