D/FW Woman Writes About Deaf Culture and More

D/FW Woman Writes About Deaf Culture and More

Trina Whitlock of the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex is now a published
writer! She has written and published a number of articles and papers
on deafness and other subjects to high acclaim. Please visit her link
at http://www.associatedcontent.com/user/187925/trina_whitlock.html

Scroll down the profile page to view articles and click which article
you would like to read. After reading, you may vote at the upper
right-hand portion where the star ratings show. You may also leave a
comment regarding her material. Please visit and read often! Thank you
for your support!

The Question of Culture

This research focuses on the question of whether there exists a bona
fide “Deaf Culture” as opposed to simply a “deaf” disability group
with no cultural identity. Controversy still exists regarding t…


Cochlear Implants, Deafness and an Episode of CSI

An editorial regarding the Hearing world’s view of cochlear implants
in people with profound hearing loss. The TV show, CSI is used to
illustrate typical societal attitudes towards the Deaf, specific…


A.G. Bell Vs. National Association for the Deaf

A debate between two organizations for those with hearing loss.
Pepsi’s deaf super bowl commercial created controversy, generating
positive and negative responses from the Alexander Graham Bell



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