Travis County Services for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing is sponsoring
an event on Nov 8 from 9-4 at Fiesta Gardens 2101 Bergman Ave Austin
tx 78702. We are inviting food vendors, exhibitors and entertainment
for the event. The event is free to the public. Booths are free, but
we ask that all exhibitors bring something to donate for a door prize.
Food vendors are responsible for the $10 Health Department permit. All
the profits go to the vendors.
We will have a Kiddie Korner and would like to have someone there to
make balloon animals. If there are other things that the community can
think of that would be enjoyable we would love to hear from you. We do
not have money to pay entertainers. We are hoping that our community
will share their time and talents with everyone to make it a Fun
Filled Fall Family day.
Please respond to [email protected]
Download application booth: (PDF format)
Click to access application_for_booth.pdf
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vendors, products, or services is for informational purposes only.
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