Teen Volleyball Party and Parent Meeting to Learn about New School,
DFW area
Lovers Lane Academy for the Deaf is hosting a volleyball and
informational meeting for Deaf teens and their parents in the DFW
area. Please come hang out with your friends and enjoy some volleyball
and chips and drinks. While you play, the staff of LLAD will meet with
your parents to share information about the school for Deaf teens
starting this fall. There are only a few more openings for students so
don’t miss your opportunity! Come learn how we can work together for
a successful education.
The games and meeting are on July 30 from 6:00pm to 9:00pm at Lovers
Lane United Methodist Church. The gym is located on the corner of
Inwood and Northwest Highway in Dallas, TX. You can enter the parking
lot from Inwood and the door is right there. The teens (aged 15 –
21) can play and the parents will visit and learn about the new
Parents are invited to fill out an enrollment form to hold your
child’s place or to fill out a letter of intent to express your
interest. A letter of intent will hold your place until we have 8
applications. Then you will be placed on a waiting list. (We already
have applications completed so don’t wait!) We also have
scholarships available. Check us out at http://www.deafacademy.com
For more information, contact Peggy Key, 469-835-5734 or
[email protected]
. You can also contact Rev. Dr. Tom Hudspeth at [email protected]
, videophone at 214-265- 0496, or telephone at 214-706-9522.
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