Faces Off the Field: McNeil’s Adam Moreno, Kayla Hardaway


Faces Off the Field: McNeil’s Adam Moreno, Kayla Hardaway

By Rick Cantu


Thursday, September 04, 2008

Adam Moreno


What got you interested in cross country?

The competitions are always exciting. Plus, just seeing yourself
progress over the years.

How do you stay motivated when practices are a grind?

I just keep telling myself to keep going if you want to get any

Has cross country taught you anything you apply to day-to-day life?

Practice makes perfect. I just thought that was something parents
told their kids to get them motivated, but it really does work.

If you could participate in the Olympics in any sport but track, what
would you choose?

The 10,000 meters, because watching them run that on TV this year
just motivates me to work hard so that I can maybe be there one day.

If you could invite any four people — living or dead — to dinner,
who would they be?

Jesus, Pope John Paul II, Carl Lewis and my great-grandfather,
Lorenzo Hinojosa.

How difficult is it to keep up with academics when cross country
takes so much of your time?

It was tremendously hard because every day after practice, I have
school, which I have to go to while still half-asleep from being so
tired from the workout that morning. One of my goals for this year —
to keep my grades above a B.

What’s the world’s greatest invention?

The cell phone, because then I wouldn’t be able to keep in touch with
my best friend, and she is a huge part of my life.

If you could ask President Bush one question, what would it be?

What was going through your mind when you sent those men into war,
then have to come back to their families and tell them that their
loved one had passed over this pointless war? But, really, I don’t
think I know that much about that subject to be arguing it.

Kayla Hardaway


You transferred to McNeil from the Texas School for the Deaf. Why did
you change schools?

T.S.D. is a great school and I have a lot of good friends there, but
I just wanted to experience new things.

Being deaf, how do you know what the teacher is saying?

I have interpreters at my school.

What do you think about when you’re running?

When I hurdle (in track and field), I think about my form and I
picture the finish line. I always tell myself to not give up.

What are your personal expectations for the season?

To beat my best time.

What motivates you to run when practice can be so hard?

Coach (Chris) Cotten always gets all the girls motivated. I know when
I am finished, I will be in a better mood and feel good about myself.

When you’re running during the season, do you have to avoid certain

I just don’t drink sodas.

If you could have dinner with any four people — living or dead —
who would they be?

My grandfather, who died from cancer when I was nine years old, Shawn
Johnson, Jesus and any good interpreter.

The white streak in your hair is from genetics. Do people think you
dye your hair?

Yes. Many people think that I dye it, but it is natural.

How difficult was it to learn sign language?

It was very easy to learn. English is way more difficult than sign

If you could ask President Bush one question, what would it be?

If a deaf person wanted to work for you, would you hire them?




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