Addressing the Needs of Students Labeled Deaf ad Low Functioning
Deaf-Blind or At-Risk Institute
The “Addressing the Needs of Students Labeled Deaf and Low
Functioning, At-Risk or Deafblind”
Conference is scheduled for November 20-22, 2008 in Houston, Texas.
It will be located at the Intercontinental Houston Hotel next door to
the beautiful Galleria and hundreds of beautiful shops, restaurants
and tourist attractions. This conference will bring people together
from across the nation to address the unique needs of persons who are
deaf or deafblind and have additional challenges.
This will be an opportunity to learn from those who work directly
with this population, to network and exchange ideas, strategies and
resources with others and to acquire new skills. Presenters will
include Dr. Bobbie Beth Scoggins, Dr. Greg Long, Dr. Neil Glickman and
Dr. Mike Kemp.
Registration materials are available and can be obtained by
contacting Theresa Johnson at [email protected]
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