REMINDER: DHH DFW Event 10/25/08
425 Commerce Street
Fort Worth, TX 76102
It is on 4th & Commerce Street
direction to this location is
FYI FYI **** City Street have dress code: No sport cap, no t-shirt,
please respect the club dress code which is showed on
For this event, I am pleased to let you know that on Saturday,
October 25, 2008, We will be allowed free entry before 9:30pm. The
Club General Manager, Jeff Carley, has agreed to extend the “No
Cover” from 9:00pm, to 9:30pm, for Dhhdfw group. After 9:30pm, the
admission fee will be $7.00 per person, so please make sure to arrive
before then. The Club’s doors open at 8:00pm. Please advise the
Dress code as posted. They do have free parking garage behind the City
Street, and There is some meter by curb that are free on weekend.
Valet parking is provided too but you are responsible to give tip.
Updates on DHHDFW:
There is chance we will still host Dhhdfw event on November 22nd
before week of thanksgiving. and we will have new year event instead
of 4th of Saturday in December.
If there any suggestion or anything (such as ideas) that you would
like to share, we would love to hear your ideas! Also there is another
website which is
***FYI******* We are opening to any new interest candiates for 2009
Host, if you are interested please contact host and talk more and we
will have meeting and vote, If you want to be committee too please
feel free to let us know. Unless if Ya’all want the same host of
2008 to stay Please give us your support and we will consider.. 🙂
Please contact one of our newest committee or send a comment(s) to
the host at [email protected]
Extra Informations:
—Next DHH will be on November 22nd Will be at Sport City in
Mesquite, please keep an eye for the new updates! 🙂
—We know that many of you enjoyed looking at photos at our website!
To view the gallery, click on
—Any question or comment, please email us at [email protected]
Please do not forget to tip and/or pay your tabs properly before
leaving bars! Drive Responsible
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