Teen Leadership Summit for Deaf & Hard of Hearing Boys
Prepare to be Inspired!
Deaf Action Center, Dallas, is delighted to announce its 2008 Teen
Leadership Summit for Deaf & Hard of Hearing Boys. An annual October
event, this year’s theme has been dubbed, MISSION: Possible, and
exemplifies Deaf Action Center’s commitment to educating, motivating,
inspiring and instilling in each young man an awareness that even with
hearing loss, anything is possible!
On October 30, 2008, deaf and hard of hearing 7th – 12th grade boys
from greater North Texas will gather at the Legends of the Game Museum
in Arlington, to be inspired by exceptional deaf athletes, Eric
Thunander, former Oklahoma State football star, and Kenny Walker,
former Denver Bronco’s Defensive Lineman. Heroes in their own right,
these gentlemen will share with the boys their perspectives on
courage, perseverance and “What It Takes To Be A Champion”. Attendance
prizes will include autographed copies of Thunander’s recently
released life story, Silent Thunder, MISSION: Possible t-shirts and
autographed footballs. In addition, the boys will be treated to a
catered lunch, gift bags, door prizes and personalized tours of the
Legends of the Game Museum. Interpreters and CART will be provided.
$25.00 per attendee.
Deaf Action Center would like to take this opportunity to invite all
North Texas deaf and hard of hearing 7th –12th grade boys to join
us, and spend an extraordinary day with remarkable achievers in an
awesome location!
For registration information and/or exhibitor opportunities, please
email: [email protected]
Deaf Action Center is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, providing
support and services to the deaf and hard of hearing community in 87
Texas counties.
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