Workshop Conceptualizing Lyrics, Nov 7-8, ETBU – Marshall, Texas

Workshop Conceptualizing Lyrics, Nov 7-8, ETBU – Marshall, Texas

Psalm 117 Ministry presents: Conceptualizing Lyrics, a workshop
focused on exposing American Sign Language users to various methods on
how to conceptually and accurately translate/interpret songs. During
this workshop the presenters, Justin Lee and Johnna Self, will lead
participants through the various stages of interpreting and
translating songs in a conceptually accurate manner. The workshop will
consist of three basic sections: ASL Grammar and Concepts,
Interpreting into Concepts, and Group Work and Activities.

The objective of this workshop is to expose ASL users to various
methods of translating and interpreting lyrics with conceptual

The section ASL Grammar and Concepts will focus on the linguistic
patterns of a native ASL user. We will also help explain the grammar
and syntax differences between English and American Sign Language,
including the use of classifiers to visually convey a thought or
concept. The next section, Interpreting into Concepts, will focus on
three different styles of interpreting music. The first will focus on
conveying the artist’s original intent in a conceptually accurate
manner. The second will focus on applying a personal message to the
artist’s original intent by taking the artist’s original concept
and applying personal experience. The third and final section will be
taking the lyrics of a song or poem and translating them in a
conceptually accurate manner, then taking the concepts and applying
them and using them to form a native ASL storytelling or poetry. The
next section of the workshop will include group activity time where
the participants will break into groups and do hands on work and
translating and interpreting songs in each of the three manners.
Participants will then perform the songs and the groups will provide
feedback for the performers.

This workshop is designed for beginners to expert ASL users. The
dates are as mentioned Nov 7-8, 2008 in Marshall, TX at East Texas
Baptist University. There is a full 1.0 CEU credit (10 workshop hours)
available to those that attend the workshop through the Texas BEI. The
cost of the workshop is $20.

Please email [email protected]

for more information and details!

-Justin Lee

Director Psalm 117 Ministry

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