Come Attend an Interpreter Workshop STRONG LANGUAGE
Taught by Gino Gouby (CDI, interpreting trainer, and practitioner)
this workshop will explore
ASL signs and concepts associated with drug use, sexuality, and
diverse signs used within
various registers and euphemisms. Gino will discuss:
An overview of ASL signs and concepts and its corresponding written
equivalents (when available)
Opportunities to incorporate ASL signs and concepts in their
interpretation during
practice sessions
**This workshop, conducted in ASL, will involve graphic discussion
and usage of sexually explicit language and drug use vocabulary,
concepts, and signs. Participant discretion is advised. Interpreters
will not be provided. **
Interpreters: $20.00, Students: $10.00, Sorenson VRS Interpreters:
Sorenson VRS is proud to sponsor the workshop donating all proceeds
to “Isaiah’s
Place”. Make checks payable to Isaiah’s Place.
Lunch and a brief presentation are provided at no cost to everyone
in attendance by
the workshop sponsor, Sorenson VRS
Date and Time:
Saturday, November 8th, 2008
9:00 am – 3:00 pm
City of Arlington
Senior Recreation Center
1000 Eunice Street
Arlington, TX 76011
Please pre-register with Alaina Webb at [email protected]
Space is limited, please register now.
This workshop is offered for .6 RID CEUs in the Content Area of:
Professional Studies. The instructional
level is beginning through advanced.
Download flyer: (PDF format)
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