Registration is now open for the following workshop:
“Tactile Tactics: An Introduction to Deaf-Blind Interpreting”
In this workshop, a background on Deaf-Blindess in the United States
and other areas of the world will be presented. The causes and
effects of Deaf-Blindess will be discussed as well as the different
Syndrome Classes. Under the guidance of the presenters, participants
will engage in mock tactile interpreting with fellow attendees and
will be made aware of volunteer opportunities for interpreting for
the Deaf-Blind.
Presenters: Monica Parks, BEI Level III and Valerie Pedraza, RID
When: Saturday, December 6, 2008
Time: 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. (Lunch will be provided; GHID General
Membership Mtg will be held during the lunch hour)
Location: Houston Community College
Administration Building – Conference & Training Ctr
3100 Main, Suite 2B00-CTC Seminar A
Houston, TX 77002
CEU’s Available: RID (0.6) and BEI (0.6)
Costs: $45 ($5 discount will be given per membership to RID, TSID,
& GHID totaling $15 in discounts.)
The workshop flyer/registration form is attached. Please print,
complete registration form, and mail to the attention of Amanda
Roberts at P. O. Box 301154, Houston, TX 77230-1154. Registration
form can also be downloaded from the GHID website,
. The registration form can be duplicated as
Space is limited, so get your registration in as early as possible.
Registrations on the day of the workshop will be accepted only as
space allows.
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