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National Math Competition for Middle School Students with Hearing
Middle school students from across the country who have hearing loss
can participate in the third annual MATHCOUNTS® competition on April
3-4, 2009 at Rochester Institute of Technology’s National Technical
Institute for the Deaf in Rochester, New York.
This competition – specifically for middle school students in
grades 6 to 8 who are deaf or hard of hearing – is designed to
promote math as fun and engaging and features three rounds that test
speed and accuracy, teamwork and additional “mathletic” skills.
More than 50 students from across the U.S. participated in a team or
individually in the 2008 event. The first place individual winner was
Ted Zoerner, from Vernado Middle School in Irvine, Calif.; the top
team winners were from Haggard Middle School in Plano, Texas. Cash
prizes up to $100 are awarded to the top three places in both the
individual and team competitions.
MATHCOUNTS is a national enrichment, coaching and competition program
that promotes middle school mathematics achievement through grassroots
involvement in every U.S. state and territory.
Coaches and students wishing to participate in the next competition
can find the registration form and more information online at
. Registration is $80 registration per team (four students) or $20
for students who register individually. Registration deadline:
December 15, 2008.
Parents and teachers are encouraged to accompany the students during
the weekend, which offers fun and social activities when not focusing
on the math competition.
The MATHCOUNTS Foundation is attempts to increase enthusiasm for and
enhance achievement in middle school mathematics throughout the U.S.
Each year, teachers use problems in the annual MATHCOUNTS School
Handbook with more than 500,000 students. The MATHCOUNTS materials and
competition series challenge students’ math skills, develop their
self-confidence and reward them for their achievements.
RIT is internationally recognized as a leader in computing,
engineering, imaging technology, fine and applied arts and for
providing unparalleled support services for students with hearing
loss. This year, 1,450 students, representing all 50 states and
beyond, attend NTID, where they study, live and socialize with some
15,000 hearing students on RIT’s Rochester, N.Y. campus.
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