T-Mobile Google G1 Smartphone

T-Mobile Google G1 Smartphone

Patty Albee here. I’m contacting all of you because I want to share
my experience with the new T-Mobile G1 smartphone. I just got mine two
nights ago. I love it, but unfortunately, the rate plan discriminates
against deaf and hard of hearing customers.

Why do I say this? Because T-Mobile boldly advertised what appeared
to be a $35 rate plan for data only. If there was any mention of
having to have a voice plan along with the data plan, it was either
missing entirely or in very fine print. In fact, when I called
T-Mobile to verify that they had my pre-order, I was told that the
rate plan would be $35 and only $35 with no voice plan. When I called
today to change the rate plan from my current MDA to the G1, the
customer rep I talked to today told me I had to have a voice plan
along with the data plan. Turns out the cheapest voice plan costs $29!
So I’d have to pay $54 per month for a voice plan I don’t need, and a
data plan I do need with unlimited text messaging. Something is wrong
with this picture.

The customer rep told me there are other T-Mobile devices that will
work with a data-only plan, and that the G1 was designed to require a
voice plan along with a data plan. How unfair is that? Why should deaf
customers to have to use an older model T-Mobile device that doesn’t
have Android and 3G networking capabilities, when other carriers like
AT&T’s iPhone and Sprint Blackberries can offer data-only plans with
3G networking?

I wonder if you would like to let you know about this, so that they
won’t be disappointed like I was. Do I have any options at this point?
If the G1 only works with a voice plan, I think T-Mobile should offer
me one at a discounted rate since I won’t be using it AT ALL.

Thank you,

Patty Albee

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