Toastmasters Club for the Deaf
Calling all Deaf, Hard of Hearing, or Signing Hearing People who
would like to improve their communication and leadership skills!
A new Toastmasters club will be starting soon in the Fort Worth
Toastmasters’ is a public speaking, communication, and leadership
club that has been around since 1924.
In Toastmasters you will:
Work at your own pace
Learn to be a better “listener”
Improve your presentation skills
Learn to be a better leader
Learn how to motivate and persuade others
Increase your self confidence
Learn how to evaluate others
Gain personal and business success
Learn how to communicate one-on-one, in a group, or on stage
Learn how to advocate for yourself
Learn how to overcome “stage fright”
This club will be a little different.
It will be done totally in Sign Language! Interpreters may choose to
practice voicing, but please be prepared for there to be NO voicing!
Informational meeting:
New Life Deaf Fellowship
6917 Brentwood Stair Rd. Fort Worth, TX 76112
March 17, 2009 at 7:00 p.m.
Please let me know if you are interested, but unable to come to the
informational meeting.
Dawn Brown
Phone: 682-597-7768 V
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