Free art workshop for sexual abuse survivors and friends presented in ASL @ Deaf Club Austin.

Free art workshop for sexual abuse survivors and friends presented in ASL @ Deaf Club Austin.

DATE: Sat. July 25, 2009

TIME: 10am to 1pm

8818 Cullen Lane
Austin, TX 78748

Art workshop presented in ASL by Tracey Huguley who is CODA, Level 5 interpreter, writer, artist, and sexual and domestic abuse survivor.

We will do a light movement exercise and then use collage (magazine/photos) and writing to explore the theme of sexual abuse.

No art or writing experience needed.

We will gather as Deaf community to support sexual abuse survivors. If you have experienced sexual abuse or if you know someone, come to support these survivors.

Light snack and art supplies will be provided.

If you have any photos or anything you want to put in your art piece, please bring.

SafePlace is a center for women, men and children who have experienced sexual and domestic violence.

Also, on Sept. 12th, 2009 SafePlace will have Survivor Spirit art show. You can have your art displayed in art show. If anyone needs an interpreter for art show on Sept. 12th contact Lee Ann Cameron at SafePlace.

RSVP Lee Ann Cameron (SafePlace representative)
V 512-267-SAFE (7233)
TTY 512-927-9616

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