Deaf Doxie/Sheltie “Bella” at Bastrop County Texas shelter

Bella is a precious deaf Dachshund-Sheltie mix female that was dropped off at the shelter. She is 8 mos old., no vetting, looks very healthy. I thought she was a JRT when I first saw her but she is long like a doxie (I really do not see any sheltie in her). She is all white with a few dark spots here and there on her head and feet, she has a short, smooth coat. She LOVES to chase a ball.

Bella was turned in due to her “constant” high-pitched barking, I guess this is especially bad at night and no one can sleep, even the neighbors complained (when they tried leaving her in the yard!) I did not hear a peep out of her, but I guess the barking is more when she is left alone. She is very cute (cuter than these pictures look.)

Note: Bastrop County = Southeast of Austin, about 1-2 hours away.

Austin Aussie Rescue

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