Texas Latino Council of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing’s
Jaime Lugo
Mr. Mom & ASL/EEC Instructor
“What’s the purpose of TLCDHH?”
Graciela Frias
Linda Lugo Hill
Deaf Education Teacher at
Calk & Adjunct
Professor at Del-Mar College
“Mexican Sign Language (LSM)”
Jose Ovi Velasquez
Deaf Education Teacher
at Calk
“3rd TLCDHH Conference in 2010”
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Center
5151 McArdle Road
Corpus Christi, Texas 78411
12:30 PM to 5:00 PM
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Education. Culture. Conference.
Tacos and Drinks will be provided by TLCDHH!
Contact Jose Ovi Velasquez at ovitsk@yahoo.com for more information
At 6:30 PM, we will meet at Acapulco’s Mexican Restaurant
5937 McArdle Road, Corpus Christi, Texas 78411 for Corpus Christi Latino Social.