December 2009 Catholic Deaf Community Mass:
The Catholic Deaf Ministry Program for the Diocese of Fort Worth will
celebrate its December Deaf Community Mass on Sunday December 6, 2009 at
1:45 PM at San Mateo Catholic Church, 3304 Lovell Ave. Fort Worth, TX
76107. (see for a map and directions) Fr. Ken Robinson
will be with the community once again to celebrate mass in voice and sign.
Members of the choir will meet at 1:00-1:30 in the parish hall to practice
for mass; everyone is invited to join!
Parking is available on the streets around the church.
Make plans to stay after mass for our FWCCD Christmas Dinner and Party.
FWCCD will provide turkey, ham, drinks and dessert. Each family is asked to
bring a covered dish to share with the group. If your last name begins with
A-H: bring a salad, I-P: bring a vegetable, and Q-Z: bring a fruit or
bread. Bring your covered dish to the parish hall before mass. Cost for
the dinner is $3.00 per person ($5.00 if you do not bring a covered dish)
with a $10.00 limit per family. After dinner, we will have a Silent Auction
and maybe even a special visitor for the children. Feel free to bring items
for this auction if you would like to donate them.
Information concerning upcoming Deaf Ministry Advent and Christmas
activities will also be available.
Contact Mary Cinatl at for more details.