Our next TXDBA meeting will be in Austin!
Greetings and Happy New Year, Everyone! Our first meeting in 2010 will be on
Saturday, January 30. See below for details. We hope you can join us!!
WHEN: Saturday, January 30, 2010
TIME: 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Ryan’s Family Steakhouse & Buffet
1813 West Parmer Lane
Austin, TX 78727
(512) 835-8366
REMEMBER: You are responsible for cost of meals and transportation. If you
need help with transportation or SSPs, please contact us. The cost for lunch
is $6.99 or $7.99 per person plus 15% and a gratuity tax.
If you would like to attend the meeting or have any questions, please contact:
Kim Powers-Smith at krazykimdb@earthlink.net; or
Fred Newberry at fredussgssp@aol.com for help with SSPs; or
Tabitha Borko at Tabitha@txdba.org or call through VP at (866) 338-2212; or
Kris Cue’ at kcue@sbcglobal.net or (512) 251-2550