Deaf Task Force for Emergency Preparedness 1/23/10 – Houston
David S. Bass – Director
832-413-6266 (Office VP)
832-413-6239 (Home VP)
Quarterly General Meeting – Houston
A special combined meeting will be held this month for all Workgroups and
General meeting members.
Date: Saturday, January 23, 2010
Time: 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM
Woodhaven Deaf Baptist Church
9920 Long Point Rd
Houston, Texas 77055
10:00 AM
General meeting – This is a general monthly meeting of all Deaf Task Force
Members. The purpose is to share information on Workgroup activities,
discuss issues, and decide Deaf Task Force business.
11:00 AM to 11:15 AM
Break Between Sessions
11: 15 AM to 12:30 PM
Workgroup Sessions in Different Areas of the Church
* Deaf Survey Workgroup – The purpose of the Survey Workgroup is to
develop a written and ASL interview survey form which will be used within
the 13-county regional area to determine how big the Deaf Community is, what
is the primary means of communication, and what are the emergency
preparedness needs.
* Deaf Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Workgroup – The purpose of
the CERT workgroup is to create a Deaf version of the national Community
Emergency Response Team training, to recruit and form a regional Deaf CERT
Team, to train Deaf Community Members on Emergency Preparedness and to train
Hearing Community first responders (fire, police, emergency workers) on how
to work with a Deaf CERT Team. A traditional CERT team helps the community,
especially their neighborhoods, by checking onneighbors, helping to clear
debris, help in to deliver aid/food/water, and assisting as volunteers
and after disasters.
* Deaf point-of-Distribution (POD) Workgroup – The purpose of the POD
Workgroup is to develop a POD plan and worker team for the Woodhaven church
site. This group will also be developing Deaf materials for training other
Deaf worker teams for other locations. A traditional POD helps the
neighborhood by distributing ice, water, meals, and tarps for roofs. The
Deaf POD will do same for the Deaf Community and may also have additional
service available such as emergency agency help.
12:30 PM Lunch and Networking at Woodhaven
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