DFW-GUAA potluck lunch and social event
423 Meadowcreek Drive
Mesquite, TX 75150-8016
(between Brookhaven and Spring Meadow streets)
(near I-635 and Hwy 80)
The only house has red metal roof!
This is open to the public and you may bring a friend along
Please let the DFW-GUAA officers know.
Please RVSP number of guests to DFW_GUAA by March 1, 2010
Email: dfw_guaa@yahoo.com
so the host can prepare how much meat.
WHEN: Saturday, March 6, 2010
WHAT TIME: Noon till ???
Last name initial will need to bring
(A TO C) 1) drinks & ice
(D TO Q) 2) salad, cassrole
(R TO Z) 3) dessert
HOST will provide meat
Sandra Barnes-Smith
DFW-GUAA Secretary