Smoke Alarms for the Deaf and Hearing Impaired
The Dallas Fire-Rescue Department is now installing smoke alarms for persons
who are deaf or have hearing impairments!
Attention: Senior Fire Prevention Officer Carey Roper
This easy to install fire alarm monitor comes complete with smoke alarms,
receiver and bed-shaker specially designed to alert persons who have hearing
impairments that there is a fire.
A simple application must be completed in order to receive the special smoke
These are the requirements: You must be a Dallas resident Provide proper
Click here to download an application or call the number below to have one
mailed to you. (see below)
Mail or fax the completed application to:
Dallas-Fire Rescue Department
Inspection & Life Safety Education Division
1551 Baylor Street, Suite 400
Dallas, TX 75226
Office: (214) 670-4170
Fax: (214) 670-4324
Attention: Senior Fire Prevention Officer Carey Roper
Download application form: (PDF format)
Any questions, please call 214-670-5529, or 311 for TTY/TDD or Email: