Deaf Awareness Week 2010 – Lubbock
The city of Lubbock and surrounding areas will be celebrating Deaf Awareness
Week (DAW) with their annual banquet on September 11, 2010. This year marks
the fourteenth anniversary that the Deaf Community will be organizing
activities to spotlight this celebration. The highlight of our week of
celebration will be our DeaFirst Banquet.
Deaf Awareness Week
Will have Pinky
Mark your Calendar!
September 11, 2010
Door opens at:
5:30 – 9:00 pm
Driving Directions:
Scottish Rite Learning Center
1101 70th St
Lubbock Texas
* Special Guest Speaker
* Delicious hot meal
* Door prizes
$25.00 per person
$20.00 Senior Citizen
Tickets available till September 7, 2010
No tickets will be sold at door.
Lori Mallory