Austin Town Hall Meeting
Join us for an informative meeting with Relay Texas!
When: Friday, November 19, 2010
Time: 6:00 PM to 9:30 PM
Texas School for the Deaf (TSD)
Multipurpose Room – Ford Building
1102 South Congress Avenue
Austin, Texas 78704
RSVP: Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Please RSVP your attendance to prepare adequate food for this event
Olivia Dominguez
Email: [email protected]
6:00 PM – Refreshments
6:30 PM – Relay Texas Town Hall meeting
8:15 PM – Q & A
8:30 PM – “Journey Through Deaf Texas” – TAD Documentary film*
9:30 PM – Closing
* An amazing documentary film, Journey Through Deaf Texas, chronicles the
history of the Texas Association of the Deaf since its inception in 1886 and
its historic accomplishments that have had an impact on deaf and hard of
hearing Texans.
TAD board members will be there. This event is sponsored by Sprint Relay and
Relay Texas.