Message from DAD President Jan 2011

Hello to all members and friends of DAD

We want to say Happy New Year and hope the 2011 will be good to you.

Yes, We had great time during New Year eve party, great food, mingle new and
old friends. And I want to say thanks volunteers for helping the new year
eve party success, Jimmy Cooksey, Anthony Jones, Mitch Bien, Callie Foster,
Ricky Foster, Jesse Carrizales and Alfredo Gonzales. Hand wave!

Last night we had relay challenge game take by Judy Hagen. We had good time.
We will have that game again on March 5.

Again I want to share this message with you: If any of you have old pictures
from Silent Deaf Club or DAD time, we would appreciate to have copy of them.
Please see me or Jesse Carrizales (house manager), if they are your only
copy and we surely will return the originals back to you.

For those of you who have a birthday this month, DAD would like to wish you
all a “Happy Birthday”!

Saturday January 15- Cingo game- ya’ll come and play

Saturday January 22- Election/General meeting-730 pm

Saturday January 29-Dallas Bass Anglers of the Deaf banquet-12pm to 5pm

I would like to remind you to always check out DAD’s website,, for updated information about any of our upcoming
events and social nights.

Also if you desire to use the DAD’s meeting hall for your meetings and/or
parties, please contact me, either in person or via email,

And have a happy January!

DADingly yours,
Donna Lide

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