Mississippi DeafFest 2011
Mississippi School for the Deaf is hosting the inaugural Mississippi DeafFest 2011. It will be on the school’s campus located at 1253 Eastover Drive on Saturday, April 2, 2011. The day will begin with a 5K/3K Family Run/Walk. Registration is online or the day of the run. All participants will get a DeafFest T-shirt.
DeafFest will begin at 10:00 am with a variety of renowned Deaf performers. It will also feature Deaf Artisans as well as vendor booths.
The evening will end with the Mississippi premiere of "See What I’m Saying" – a documentary film that shows the struggles for four Deaf entertainers trying to make it into the entertainment business. Following the Q&A session with the film’s director/producer, DeafFest will host a VIP Reception at the Holiday Inn Express in Pearl, Mississippi.
We are hoping for a great turn out for our inaugural celebration!!!
We value your support for this event!
For more information, go to http://www.msd.k12.ms.us/fest.asp
Amanda Parker
Email: aparker@mde.k12.ms.us