Sizzlin” Summer Celebration!
DATE: June 26, 2011
TIME: 9:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m.
Come join us for a Sizzlin’ Summmer Celebration! The temperature is hot and
so is a red hot sermon by the Lubbock Cowboy himself, deaf Pastor Bob Case!
Join us for pastries and coffee at 9 a.m., followed by Bible Study at 9:45,
and a sizzlin service and communion at 10:45.
Following service, we will have a wonderful time of food (lunch),
fellowship, fun, and games!!
All this will happen@
John of Beverley Deaf Ministries@
Our Redeemer Lutheran Church
7611 Park Lane( Park Lane and Hwy.75, behind North Park Mall)
Dallas, TX. 75225
For more information contact
Henry Cox @
214-553-9962, VP 214-295-0335, or VP 866-806-6252