Teacher Assistant, Lovers Lane Academy for the Deaf – DFW

Teacher Assistant, Lovers Lane Academy for the Deaf, Dallas, Texas

Lovers Lane Academy for the Deaf is a small private school In the northern
part of Dallas, Texas, serving deaf/hard of hearing students aged 5 – 25.
We are currently looking for a teacher assistant for the upcoming year.

Job responsibilities:

1. Assist the elementary teacher with the younger students
2. Assist teaching the students
3. Assist in preparing lessons and materials
4. Oversee lunch time
5. Provide physical activity training
6. Attend staff meetings
7. Other duties as assigned

This job requires fluency in ASL (American Sign Language), the ability to
move and lift, the ability to be active, patience, cooperation, and a desire
to work with young children. Preference will be given to those who can show
experience working with young children. Must have a high school diploma or
GED. There will be a background check.

To submit your resume, please email Peggy Key at peggy.key@deafacademy.com.
Interviews will commence this week. The job is open until the appropriate
candidate is hired.

Peggy Key
Executive Director
Lovers Lane Academy for the Deaf

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