Dallas Workshop October 15
DATE: October 15, 2011
TIME: 10:30-4:00pm
3115 Crestview Dr
Dallas, Texas
Come one Come all!!
NCTRID presents a great opportunity to learn some little known ASL/English
equivalencies and get an advanced look at the ASL Numbering systems. These
workshops described below are for ASL teachers, interpreters, students and
the deaf community. Come be part of this fun and interactive day presented
in American Sign Language.
10-430p, Deaf Action Center, 3115 Crestview, Dallas TX
Free parking, convent location
Workshop #1
10-1 COW, “That”: ASL Phraseology; presented by Lisa Gelineau;
ASL has a set of expressions and phrases used by native ASL users that often
have no simple ASL to English translation equivalent. The content of this
workshop will assist participants in recognizing and mastering the challenge
of accurately producing equivalent interpretations. Lisa has been an
instructor since 2004, has been presenting workshops on ASL since 2002, and
has had experience as an ASL evaluator. The knowledge, skills, and
information she brings is something to not be missed! She has been
presenting this workshop in various areas, even if you have seen it before
it will leave you wanting more. Come join her for a morning of language
stimulation and leave having a greater understanding of ASL/English
Lunch is 1-130 on your own we will be having something delivered; bring cash
if you want to partake
Workshop #2
130-430 Mini Buffet; A Smorgasbord of Numbers in ASL; Presented by Lisa
Bosson and Perry Connolly
Participants will increase their understanding of the origin (French
etymology) and evolution of ASL numbers as well as the fluidity principal,
language register usage, and categories of ASL numbers. Lisa has worked with
the Arizona School for the Deaf and the Texas School for the Deaf and has
been presenting workshops on ASL since 1992, and brings a wealth of
commitment and energy to share. Perry has been presenting workshops on ASL
since 1993, has been an ASL evaluator, and has been involved in linguistic
research serving as a model for ASL. Additionally Lisa and Perry have
experience as senior level ASL instructors at the University of Austin, TX.
They are coordinating and strategizing to bring DFW an amazing workshop, not
to be missed!
NCTRID is proud to have these three wonderful presenters who are traveling
from Austin to present for us. We look forward to seeing you all there!
Interpreters will be provided during the workshop.
For more information, or a copy of the registration form please contact:
Deborah Martinez P: 617–?784–?7796 E: [email protected]
Samuel Gonzales P: 214–?604–?1004 E: [email protected]
CONTACT EMAIL ADDRESS: [email protected]