Austin Deaf Access Committee
Greetings, from Norma A., Austin Deaf Access Committee chairperson. Austin
Deaf Access is a new service committee that is part of Alcoholics Anonymous,
Our single purpose is to help Deaf people who have a problem with alcoholism
get access to AA meetings. We do this by providing interpreters for the
Deaf, free of charge, so Deaf people can go to AA. Our committee is made up
of AA members, some of whom are hearing people and some of whom are Deaf.
We have a website that tells more about who and what we are, literature you
can download and print that gives more information, and a calendar of the
current AA meetings that are interpreted.We are self-supporting, which means
that AA pays our way, because we are a part of AA. We do not ask for or need
outside contributions. We only ask that you let anyone who is Deaf know
about us, so that if they know anyone that wants help for their problems
with alcohol, the hand of AA is here to help, through ADAC. Our website is
Feel free to contact me for more information. On behalf of ADAC, thank you
for helping us to carry the message of hope to those who may still be
Thank you,
Norma A.
Austin Deaf Access Committee Chairperson