Heart O' Texas Orchid Society's 41st Annual Show & Sale, "Orchid Heaven"
April 28th & 29th, 2012
Zilker Botanical Gardens Center
2220 Barton Springs Road,
Austin, TX 78746
(512) 477-8672
Show & Plant Sale: 10:00am – 5:00pm Saturday & 10:00am – 4:00pm Sunday.
This year we are very proud to present the 41st Annual Orchid Show here in Austin, TX. Orchids are Mother Nature at her best, so come join us and check out all the beautiful orchids that will be on display. There will also be hundreds of blooming orchids for sale, as well as helpful information for growing these beautiful plants from the 8 vendors and society members.
Need flowers for that special person in your life…orchids are becoming one of the most popular flowers in the U.S., so why not get an orchid this year for that special someone or special occasion. Admission to the event is free and the public is encouraged to attend. For a complete schedule of events, or for more information, please contact: Geoffrey Frost, or visit our web-site: http://www.hotos.org/
Press Release
Monica Gaylord
Last Weekend in April Brings an Exotic Orchid Show and Sale to Austin, Texas
Exotic orchids are a prime example of Mother Nature at her best! An exciting gardening event will be taking place the weekend of April 28th & 29th here in Austin, TX. The Heart O’ Texas Orchid Society, founded in 1961, is proud to present the 41st Annual Orchid Show and Sale at the Zilker Botanical Gardens/Austin Area Garden Center. If orchids have always intrigued you, or you simply need somewhere fun and different to take the family on that spring weekend, make plans to attend. Who wouldn’t adore a calming whiff of the tropics, and perhaps some enchanting blooms to place in the kitchen window back at home?
For those of you who have received an orchid as a gift, but have no idea how to urge it to rebloom, this is a great opportunity to not only learn how, but also visit with numerous vendors from around the state who will be selling their wares. A private event occurs on Friday evening with trophies and ribbons being awarded by a bevy of accredited judges representing The American Orchid Society. On Saturday and Sunday, visitors can peruse the winning selections, and judge for yourselves the extraordinary beauty of these desirable plants from around the world. The major varieties of species and hybrid orchids that grow well in Texas will be for sale, as well as free cultural information sheets to help you keep the items you purchase thriving. Surprisingly, orchids easily grow well here in Austin.
Admission to the event is free and the public is encouraged to attend. Zilker parking is $3.00 per vehicle. Donations to support these educational efforts of the Heart O’ Texas Orchid Society are appreciated. For a complete schedule of events, or for more information, contact: Geoffrey Frost at geoffreylfrost@yahoo.com. Or get a preview of coming attractions online at http://www.hotos.org. We meet monthly at Zilker Gardens Center on the first Tuesday of the month at 7:00pm, so no need to wait until April!