Obituary: André John (Andy) Moreau

Obituary: André John (Andy) Moreau

André John (Andy) Moreau quietly departed from us on February 12, 2012
after a year’s battle with severe complications from Congestive Heart
Failure, and Diabetes. He is survived by his beloved dog, Shadow,
mother, Margaret Moreau of Nashville, TN; brothers Kip Moreau of
Nashville TN, and Chris Moreau (& wife Lisa) of Dallas, TX, special
friends (also known as his “second family”) JoAnn and Le Ann Cayer, of
Houston, Texas. He was preceded in death by father Cedric L. Moreau,
Grandmaother Bernice Irene Trites and Grandfather George Hermann

Andy was born in Brocton, MA on January 3, 1965. His mother had (perhaps
unknowingly at first) contracted the Rubella (German measles) virus
while carrying him, thus André has Congenital Rubella Syndrome (CRS) to
which deafness, diabetes and heart disease were the results for him.

He graduated from JJ Pearce High School, Dallas, TX in 1985. He
attended Gallaudet University; then returned home in Dallas, TX. Andy
always loved working and being around people. Some of the employers
Andy worked for includes Tom Thumb stores, Ikon Copy Solutions, San
Antonio Lighthouse for the Blind, (Oklahoma City office) and HATS, a
special employment program for the disabled, Oklahoma City location.

Andy met LeAnn at Gallaudet University in November 1987. A few months
later, they met again a second time, and became insparable closest
friends, sharing a bond so tight that no one could ever break it.
Andy and LeAnn shared a special type of friendship that you only get
once in your lifetime. Le Ann now realize Andy is her soul mate.
For 21 years, the pair were always together, going to Deaf events,
enjoying eating out at restaurants, scrapbooking mostly at large crop
events, assisting with American Eskimo Dog Rescue (HeartBandits AE
Rescue Organizations) transports, church activities, etc, etc. Le Ann
is the transport coordinator for Heart Bandita AE Rescue, and when
Animal Planet did a feature, “Pet Story: Eskie Railroad, the Nikki and
Taylor Transport”, Andy co-starred with Leann in this very special
episode. (Origional air date Summer 2001). His love for American
Eskimo Dogs was just anohter strong unbreakable bond he shared with

Andy’s hobbies included reading (mostly history and travel),
collecting currency and flags (from other countries). He also
succeded in completing an entire US quarters collection, the hard way,
placing them in special holder. He later had it framed; this is an
example of Andy’s love for objects of history and travel.

He also enjoyed spending time with Shadow. His favorite dog breed is
the American Eskimo, (Eskies). Another very big passion of his was
anything DISNEY. André also has a passion for anything and everything
to do with the Peagants ever televised or read in magazines.

Suffice to say that André Moreau’s family and friends are scattered
across the USA and the world, it is almost next to impossible to have a
funeral/memorial in his honor. If so wish to do so, please send
condolences/messages addressed to the family at Also, if you prefer to donate in his memory
or his name, please donate to the American Diabetes Association

Submitted by
Le Ann Cayer

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